An often overlooked part of the body, the legs can fall victim to a variety of different problems and concerns that force millions of women to keep them covered up due to self-consciousness and limited clothing choices. But the days of hiding behind long pants and skirts can be a thing of the past thanks to these solutions, which target every leg concern from ankle to thigh.
What’s In: The No Pain Option—Sting-Free Injections
This past year, the FDA approved Asclera, a vein-collapsing agent that’s been used overseas to treat spider veins for years. “The main advantage of it over traditional sclerosants is that it causes less pain during injection because it was originally created as a local anesthetic,” says Hunt Valley, MD, dermatologist Karen Beasley, MD, adding that it may also cause less hyperpigmentation and necrosis in the skin.
Did you know? When the diet is lacking in protein, the skin can wrinkle easily since there is not enough of a protein supply to create new skin cells
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