Overview: Many women are born with breasts that are out of proportion with their bodies. Breasts can be too large or too small, which can have a serious effect on a woman’s self-image.
Augmentation mammoplasty, or breast enhancement, is accomplished by surgically inserting an implant behind each breast which changes the size, form and feel of the breasts.
Breast enhancement is usually done on an outpatient basis either under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. It can take place in an office-based surgical suite, which is a free-standing ambulatory or a hospital surgical facility. An overnight hospital stay is occasionally recommended.
In the U.S., breast reduction surgery and breast enhancement procedures are the most commonly performed plastic surgeries. You will want to educate yourself about the different types of breast implants, incision types, sizes and placement options before undergoing a breast enhancement procedure.
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