We help you sort through the myths about tummy tucks with some real facts.
Myth #1: Weight-gain will not affect your results
Fact: Should you put on a few pounds, you probably won’t notice much of a difference in the way your new stomach looks. But if you gain a significant amount of weight, your results can be drastically affected. This is why most doctors recommend that you’re done having children and are at an ideal weight before proceeding with tummy tuck surgery.
Myth #2: A tattoo can’t hide your scar
Fact: Unbeknownst to many, you can camouflage an unwanted scar with a tattoo. Many patients think that they can’t have one over a tummy tuck scar because the skin is not smooth. But as long as you wait until your scar is fully healed and the majority of the collagen made to set it has been produced, you should be fine.
Myth #3: Tummy tucks are for smokers
Fact: Nicotine in any form can increase the risk of delayed healing and a poor outcome from surgery.
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