Though the top teeth are more prominently displayed when we smile, you can’t neglect the bottom teeth. “Don’t fool yourself and think no one notices the bottom teeth,” says New York City cosmetic dentist Jason Kasarsky, DDS. When weighing the costs associated with cosmetic dentistry, many patients decline treatment on the lower teeth. Dr. Jason Kasarsky’s advice: “Make a plan. You can extend your treatment over a period of two or three years—it doesn’t need to be done all at once.” In addition to cosmetic work, you also need to accept the fact that some procedures may be necessary to get your teeth prepared for aesthetic treatment, such as replac- ing old, worn out fillings. Be proactive, not reactive. “In these cases, you need to prioritize, and treat what you can now.” Atlanta cosmetic dentist Ronald Goldstein, DDS advises his patients to bleach the lower teeth first if the upper teeth will either be laminated or crowned. This will allow a lighter shade of porcelain to be used since the lower teeth will often bleach to a much lighter shade
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According to Woodland Hills, CA, cosmetic dentist Susan Fredericks, DDS, cosmetic contouring is often used in conjunction with veneers. “If I place veneers on the upper teeth, I’ll often contour the lower teeth. This minimal work on the bottom takes the eye off imperfections, putting the focus back on the beautiful upper teeth.”
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