Weight fluctuation, aging and collagen breakdown can cause skin that just won’t conform.
Nonsurgical Option: To reduce thigh anxiety caused by somewhat saggy skin, you may be able to firm up with a skin-tightening laser. This light-based technology sti mulates collagen production deep in the dermis, which has a tightening effect on the skin. It does not, however, change the underlying anatomy such as fat and underlying tissues that can equally contribute to saggy thighs. The best candidate is one whose skin has lost some tone but has no visible sagging and wrinkling. Recommended in a se ries of up to four treatments, results continue to become ap parent weeks after treatment, but are not totally predictable.
Surgical Solution: A thigh lift removes excess skin and fat from your thighs. The incisions often leave scars at the hip, which fade over time and can behidden by a bathing suit. For this reason,plastic surgeon Felmont Eaves, MD, of Charlotte, North Carolina states, “Most thigh lift patients are those for who the scars are a fair trade-off to the improvement in body shape.” Stitches are removed within one to two weeks after surgery, and you may be told wear a support garment for a few weeks.
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