Which Tummy Tuck is Right for You?

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One of the trade-offs of pregnancy (as well as weight loss in large amounts) is the post-baby tummy bulge that can be quite difficult to treat. The most invasive solution available, yet the most predictable with the longest-lasting and most significant results, a tummy tuck can dramatically transform your midsection, taking it from flab to fab. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will make an incision along the public bone (that’s where your scar will be post-surgery) before tightening the stomach muscles and removing any extra skin, if needed. Many times, especially when a tummy tuck post-pregnancy is being done, liposuction is performed in conjunction to get rid of any extra fat pockets on and around the stomach area.

Not all bodies are the same, which is why abdominoplasty is not a one-type-fits-all procedure. How much loose skin there is dictates which variation you’ll benefit most from.

Traditional Tummy Tuck: The area above and below the belly button and down to the bikini line is corrected. This tends to result in the tightest and firmest look. There will be a scar around the belly button and at the bikini line.

Mini-tummy Tuck: Just the area below the belly button is corrected, and, if needed, the muscles are tightened. The scar is smaller, too—there’s just one at the bikini line.

Endoscopic Tummy Tuck: No skin is removed; only the muscles are tightened, and small amounts of fat are removed. “Very few are candidates for procedure,” says La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD.

Extended Tummy Tuck: Addresses the love handles as well as the stomach area.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck (Lower Body Lift): Usually done after massive weight loss, removes excess skin from around the stomach and the back.

Liposuction With A Tummy Tuck (Lipoabdominoplasty): Originally developed in Brazil, and gaining popularity in America, this procedure combines liposuction and a tummy tuck to both improve fat in the abdomen, waist, and pubic areas with surgery to tighten the layers of the abdomen.

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