If you’re plagued by rough skin and uneven texture, your dermatologist or plastic surgeon may suggest one of several noninvasive, in-office treatments. Especially effective for sun damaged skin, a series of fractional resurfacing treatments like Fraxel re:fine targets the skin’s deeper layers with microscopic laser light, removing damaged skin and allowing fresh, healthy skin to emerge. You may experience redness and swelling for a couple of days post-treatment, and several sessions are usually needed to address the entire skin surface. In addition, in-office exfoliating procedures work more effectively than topical exfoliants to remove dead skin cells that can dull the complexion. Suitable for all but the most sensitive skins, microdermabrasion combines vacuum suction with tiny abrasive crystals to polish away the uppermost layer of skin, eliminating roughness as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Chemical peels, another option, are often performed with glycolic, retinoic or alphahydroxy acids; they help smooth out rough, uneven texture by removing the upper layer of skin. “I have found that a series of glycolic acid peels works well to restore soft, even texture to the skin,” says Staten Island, NY, dermatologist Michael Kurzman, MD. “However, these peels should be done conservatively in those with rosacea or inflamed skin to avoid making redness worse.”
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