Collagen is essential for young-looking skin because it gives structure to our skin cells. But as we age, the body produces less of it, since naturally occurring enzymes break collagen down, in turn, causing the skin to thin, lose fullness and form wrinkles. The sun, pollution, free radicals and smoke are also responsible for disintegrating collagen. “stimulating collagen with at-home topical products, in-office treatments and proper lifestyle choices helps the skin maintain its strength, resiliency and volume,” says Madison, WI, facial plastic surgeon Richard C. Parfitt, Md.
The Beauty Benefits of Collagen:
- Few Stretch Marks: When there is ample collagen in the skin, the skin is stronger and more resistant to weight gain, which may reduce the risk of stretch marks.
- Less Cellulite: one cause of cellulite is a weakened support system and collagen that is not that strong
- Wrinkle-Free: Collagen breakdown contributes to wrinkles, but strengthening the underlying structure may inhibit them.
- Tighter Skin: When collagen levels become depleted, the skin has little support structure internally, causing the skin to sag.
Professionally administered collagen-stimulating treatments produce collagen in one of two ways: either by wounding the skin on the surface, which heals by creating new collagen, or by stimulating collagen production deep in the dermis. Both methods are effective, but wound-induced production creates faster and more dramatic effects.
The 10-Minute Solution:
- Good For: pigmented skin with textural issues
- How They Work: Professionally administered Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and LED treatments both employ light to create an inflammatory response. Using either red light, blue light or both, the light is absorbed by the body, sending a signal to create a therapeutic response at the site. LED works well on sun-damaged skin, which is usually depleted of collagen.
- Collagen-stimulating effects | short-term
- Starting at $200 per treatment cycle, depending on area treated
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