Looking into liposuction? You may be convinced that laser-assisted lipo and other up-to-the-minute techniques are the way to go, but your doctor doesn’t necessarily think the latest methods are the greatest.
A recent member survey by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery shows that traditional, tried-and-true approaches, especially suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL), are the preferred liposuction techniques among board-certified plastic surgeons.
Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) and ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) are also popular, though not nearly as much as SAL, which is favored by over half of the ASAPS survey respondents.
Not surprisingly, SAL is the liposuction technique with which the vast majority of respondents—almost 93%—have experience. Little more than 12% have experience with laser-assisted liposuction (LAL), the latest invasive option, and less than 4% call it their preferred method.
Despite its current lack of popularity among ASAPS members, LAL is being request by patients more frequently; and according to most survey respondents, this is due to marketing. However, most of the doctors surveyed believe there is a disproportionately higher complication rate with LAL compared to SAL, PAL and UAL.
“Our survey found that ASAPS members tend to more frequently employ the fat removal methods that have the longest track records and the most data to support their efficacy and safety,” explained survey author Jamil Ahmad, MD. “In the future, we may notice preferences shift as we see additional prospective data comparing techniques, and as we gain more experience with newer methods. These factors will also help us continue to improve safety-related standards of care.”
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