When we see celebs like Renee Zellweger walk the red carpet in stunning backless gowns, we are inspired to hit the gym to work on our backs, but there are certain things than can’t be exercised away. Consider these three solutions to get your back in shape:
If you have excess back fat that causes bulges or rolls along the bra line and love handles, you’ll need a treatment that addresses fat. Liposuction at the hands of a skilled surgeon can be ideal for stubborn pockets of fat in the flanks and back. With today’s laser-assisted liposuction technology, fat can be gently emulsified and removed while tightening the skin for a more improved result. “By introducing the laser energy underneath the skin, we can stimulate skin tightening for a smoother, more beautiful contour,” says The Villages, FL, plastic surgeon Fernando Serra, MD. However, Dr. Fernando Serra advises that, “No matter how fancy the laser is or what the doctor has on his white coat, proper patient selection for any procedure is of the utmost importance for a great result.”
If you have pockets of fat and wish to avoid to surgery, an alternative solution could be CoolSculpting by Zeltiq, a device that noninvasively freezes fat cells so your body can naturally dissolve them over time. Studies showed that Zeltiq patients saw a reduction in fat of up to 20 percent in treated areas.
If you have excess skin and laxity that causes sagginess, you’re better off looking into a lift. Causes for this type of sagging include weight loss and aging. The Bra Line Back Lift, created by Charlotte, NC, plastic surgeon Joseph Hunstad, MD, is one solution. “It eliminates folds around that area that make wearing sheer and fitted clothing difficult,” says Dr. Joseph Hunstad. “This gives patients a lift from the buttocks all the way to the neck. And it makes the contour of the bra area smooth and tight.” However, it is important to note that patients who opt for this treatment will be left with a thin scar along the bra line.
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