Your too-short teeth may be the result of too-long gums. And while most of us are trying to avoid getting “long in the tooth,” sometimes lengthening the teeth can be all it takes to get a spectacular smile.
Since your smile is all about proportion you cannot over- look your gums when addressing your smile. Sometimes genetics may be to blame, or improper oral hygiene when braces were worn. Cosmetic gum procedures can be done in one appointment. They are generally pain-free and the gums heal quickly so that your teeth will appear longer.
On the flip side, upper teeth that appear too short may be the result of wear on the bottom edges of the teeth. Altering your bite is another way to make the teeth appear longer. Your dentist restores your back teeth in a more open position, creating space in the front so that these teeth can be lengthened via bonding, porcelain laminates or crowns. Atlanta cosmetic dentist Ronald Goldstein, DDS, warns that when selecting this approach, “It is very important to make sure you wear a temporary restoration for at least three months to make sure you don’t have tem-poromandibular joint problems, which could lead to head or ear pain.” If this is the case, then your bite may open too much or you may not be able to open it at all.
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