Stop Rippling: One of the best ways to reduce cellulite is to surgically cut the bands that surround the fat cells. A very small incision is made, and a cannula (the tool used during liposuction) is used to break the bands. “This procedure helps smooth out cellulite, which we can’t achieve with liposuction,” says New York and Great Neck, NY, plastic surgeon Kevin Tehrani, MD.
- The Pro: Results are permanent. The bands can’t return to how they were before surgery.
- The Con: It is surgery and requires downtime. The results are unpredictable.
The Fat Smoother: Some doctors feel that Endermologie, which utilizes vacuums and rollers to stretch out the fibrous bands of tissues, only offers short-term benefits at most.
The Dimple-Filler: Adding fat to cellulite-affected areas (when performed in conjunction with cutting the septum) fills in dimples for smoother skin. Deeper cellulite almost always requires filler to keep the area elevated—some doctors have even used Radiesse (off-label), instead of fat
- The Pro: Offers long-term improvement. The best results are garnered when laser treatments are used, too.
- The Con: A secondary procedure may be needed since the results are unpredictable.
Skin Toners: These virtually painless machines incorporate laser, heat and radiofrequency energy with suction and massage to even out fatty deposits, smoothing the skin.
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