Whether you were born with small breasts or they’ve changed in size and shape over time, attaining nice breasts that suit your body is something that almost every woman wants. Historically, implants were linked to big, fake-looking breasts. Today, there has been a shift in thinking, and everyone from a-list celebrities to housewives are open to the idea of obtaining better breasts that look natural
Trends in Breast Shape and Size: Where you live dictates what’s acceptable in terms of implant size. Implants that hold 350 cc (the equivalent of two cup sizes larger than your current size) of filler is the norm.
“In Southern California, South Florida and Las Vegas, women are generally looking for larger implants, even though 350-cc implants are commonly placed,” says Grand Rapids, MI, plastic surgeon Bradley Bengtson, MD.
“In Texas, women tend to ask for large breasts. Implants that are larger than 400 cc (a large C or D) are the standard,” says New Orleans plastic surgeon Kamran Khoobehi, MD.
“In the Midwest, restored, naturally proportional, balanced- looking breasts are in demand,” says Dr. Bradley Bengtson.
“In New York, smaller implants, usually in the high 200-cc range, are the trend,” says Dr. Kamran Khoobehi.
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