
The Latest Plastic Surgery Trend Is on a Body Part You’d Never Expect

The Latest Plastic Surgery Trend Is on a Body Part You’d Never Expect featured image
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When we think of plastic surgery, our minds often go to breast implants, tummy tucks and facelifts. But one part of the body we don’t typically think of is the legs, probably because we associate them with exercise and muscle toning. However, according to Hollywood Reporter, doctors are now receiving more requests from patients for plastic surgery on their legs, with the hope of looking like some of the hottest supermodels, such as Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid.

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New York plastic surgeon Stafford Broumand, MD, says the “thighlighting” trend involves trying to accentuate the long look of the legs by giving the illusion of a thinner, longer, shapelier leg, like the kind you see on supermodels. To achieve this type of leg makeover, your doctor will most likely choose from one of the following procedures: liposuction, a thigh lift or calf implants. 

“Thigh lifts are done mainly for women who have lost a lot of weight—they are not recommended for a little tweak.,” explains the doctor. “They involve lifting the loose skin on the inner thigh into the groin crease to reshape the thigh, resulting in smoother skin and a better contour.”

If the desire is to accentuate the calf, Dr. Broumand says calf implants are an option, but the surgery can be tricky. “For this reason, I prefer to reshape the calf and ankles with a combination of liposuction and ultrasound skin tightening instead.” 

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And if liposuction is the best option for you, ask your doctor about “liposculpture,” which involves an artistic reshaping of the leg rather than just removing fat. “I frequently combine inner thigh, inner knee and outer thigh liposculpture to make the legs look longer and leaner,” says Dr. Broumand.

It’s also important to note that not all “thighlighting” procedures are surgical. A common nonsurgical treatment that is used off-label to enhance the legs, particularly loose skin around the knees, is ultrasound skin tightening (ask your surgeon or dermatologist about brands like Ultherapy and Thermage). And if stubborn fat on your thighs is your issue, try CoolSculpting, which freezes your fat cells to the point that they “die” and then your body eliminates them naturally over time.

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