The Internet Is Freaking Out Over This Zigzag Curling Iron

We’ve seen quite a few beauty trends go viral these past few months, but this last one to hit our social media feeds seems surprisingly like something that’ll actually stick around for longer than the other fads we’ve noticed.

Instagram user, Ariba Pervaiz, recently posted a hair tutorial of herself using the GlamPalm Zigzag Stylish Iron ($220) to create a crimped hair look that’s much more wearable than the long-gone crimped hair trend that died decades ago. The z-shaped iron uses what the brand claims to be the “world’s first flexible heat plates” to create uniform waves patterned like that of crimped hair.

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“The trick is to twist the roots before wrapping the hair around the iron and to also unravel the section the same way you wrapped it,” explains Pervaiz in the Instagram video’s caption.

While the style certainly looks good on Ariba’s lengthy, layered hair in the video, we can’t help but wonder if it’ll have the same textured-yet-flattering look on shorter hair. Undoubtedly other beauty bloggers will want to give this iron a try, so keep an eye out for some more crimped hair inspiration for every length and texture coming soon.

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