
#SideProfileSelfie Is the Latest Body-Positive Movement

The internet is such a wonderful place sometimes, and not just to read up on the latest news or look at pictures of tiny animals. Social media has been instrumental in helping push forward body positivity. Communities have formed and campaigned against exclusive beauty norms in all different forms.

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The newest one to make waves is the #SideProfileSelfie, which is all about embracing your nose. UK-based freelance journalist Radhika Sanghani started the campaign earlier this week with a piece she wrote for Grazia Daily.

“Breaking the big nose taboo with my new campaign on the #sideprofileselfie!!” She wrote in a tweet sharing her piece. “Let’s stop hating our noses for not being tiny, little snubs and learn to love them by sharing a #sideprofileselfie.”

Since Tuesday, it has started gaining major traction with people from all over joining in and sharing the side-profile selfies. “It’s scary to do it alone, but so many women are already joining in, and it feels so powerful,” she told Refinery29. “This has been taboo for so long, but things can change.”

Keep scrolling to check out some of the inspired responses the hashtag has already received. 

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