Selena Gomez’s Glowy Skin Trick Isn’t One You’d Expect

Selena Gomez’s Glowy Skin Trick Isn’t One You’d Expect featured image

Megastar Selena Gomez (she has 108 million followers on Instagram alone) is no stranger to trying new things to make her skin glow, especially when she’s on tour and looking to give her complexion the extra TLC it craves. As a result, the singer’s fans are always turning to social media for her next big skin care or fitness secret so they can try it themselves. And not surprisingly, so are we.

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In an interview with, Gomez revealed a surprising method that “changed her skin”: laying in a sweat bed. If you’re wondering what that is, we were too. Here’s what the star had to say: 

“I have a sweat bed, which looks like a burrito that I wrap myself up in, and I sweat for about 45 minutes…I started going to a place called Shape House, and you lay in these beds in a sweatsuit, and they wrap you up and you sweat for 45 minutes and it releases all the toxins of your body, and you kind of feel—kind of the equivalent of a sauna, but it gets your heart rate up, and it gets everything flowing in your body. It’s changed my skin, it’s kind of changed my body as well, so it feels really good. That’s kind of been something that works for me personally…

You feel so good. I know it sounds gross, but you just sit in your sweat for an hour and don’t immediately shower because there’s natural collagen in your toxins that it actually makes your skin feel softer before you wash it all off. It feels incredible. I definitely suggest it.”

Shape House, which dubs itself “an urban sweat lodge,” incorporates FAR infrared light into custom-designed beds that are made of ceramic plates and come with infrared blankets that send energy to the body at a super high temperature (158 degrees Fahrenheit). The effect: it “stimulates the body’s thermoregulatory response, which induces a deep, detoxifying sweat.”

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New York dermatologist Dendy Engelman, MD, says,”These sweat beds use FAR infrared light (similar to the effect of an infrared sauna)—you can’t see the rays of light, but you feel them in the form of intense heat. While its true that this treatment may give a ‘glow’ via the vasodilation effect from sweating, the majority of bodily toxins/wastes are eliminated through other processes (via the urinary and GI tracts). I like infrared saunas as an adjuvant to clean living and to boost the results of diet and exercise, but I wouldn’t rely on them solely as your source of beauty or health.”

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