Choosing to undergo any kind of cosmetic procedure is a big decision. Even just considering a treatment can be downright scary. It’s natural to have questions and concerns and we want to help you feel most comfortable about your decision. That’s why each week the NewBeauty editors will reach out to one of our experienced board-certified doctors to get you the information you need to move forward.
This week we reached out to Peoria, IL, plastic surgeon James M. Jeffries, MD to address one reader’s concern about dimpled skin after laser liposuction.
Reader concern: “I am scheduled for a mini tummy tuck with SmartLipo in a few weeks and have been concerned about before and after pictures that I’ve seen, which show dimpled, lumpy skin surfaces post operation. I am working with a board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience, however I am still fearful of a lumpy result on my upper abdomen and flanks. Is it a surgeon’s technique or a patient’s skin elasticity that contributes to dimpled lumpy skin after laser lipo?”
Doctor Jeffries’ response: “The patient in question has been evaluated by her board-certified surgeon who feels a tummy tuck and smart lipo would best address her concerns. The issue of dimpling may be related to technique removing fat unevenly or performing the procedure on a poor candidate (like an obese patient with a large amount skin laxity). Dimpling is a known complication that can occur despite our best efforts. If it should happen, there are ways to correct it. It is vitally important that the patient be compliant with her surgeon’s instructions to decrease the risk.”
Let us know your surgery concerns and questions here or on Facebook and Twitter and we’ll do our best to get you answers. Just use #RealConcerns.