Try These Out-of-the-Box Beauty Treatments

Try These Out-of-the-Box Beauty Treatments featured image

Beauty doesn’t have to be ordinary. If your regular doctor visits, skin-care regimen and beauty salon sessions are seeming a little dry and drab, try sprucing up your beauty routine with one of these unique beauty treatments.

We consulted the experts to find out the details. 

Blood as an anti-ager:
A unique filler uses blood to diminish the effects of aging by gradually increasing volume by ramping up collagen production. The Selphyl System borrows upon the notion of platelet rich plasma (PRP). “PRP has been around for at least a decade and is used to repair damage to areas like the knees and ankles,” says West Palm Beach, FL, dermatologist, Kenneth R. Beer, MD. Blood platelets contain growth factors that regenerate damaged tissue. “Applying this technique to the skin makes perfect sense since you’re using your own collagen and platelets to heal damage,” he adds.

– A small amount of your blood is drawn, and the platelets and fibrin are separated into a concentrate known as the matrix, which is injected into skin depressions, acne scars, and wrinkles and folds.
– Upon injection, the platelets release growth factors that trigger the cells to proliferate, in turn increasing volume and rejuvenating the skin.
– Performed in your doctor’s office, the procedure takes under half an hour, and results—which are immediate but seen at full capacity after three weeks—have been shown to last beyond a year and a half.
– No unnatural substances are used, so there is no need for allergy testing, and no serious side effects have been reported. Long-term studies are necessary to show whether this technique is truly effective.

Get perfect brows without waxing or tweezing:
A new technique, known as brow planing, relies on a serrated blade to create the perfect arch. When Texas beauty expert Christi Harris learned that is was too difficult for her clients to shape their brows without removing too many hairs or destroying them, she decided to take matters into her own hands. The result? Brow planing, which uses a personalized “map” (by measuring the base, arch and tail of the brow) so you know exactly where to remove hair. Harris, who created the technique, claims that planing doesn’t cause ingrown hairs or asymmetry since the hair isn’t ripped from the root but rather cut, without leaving any stubble. Christi Harris Precision Brow Planing System ($40).

– The key component in brow planing is the planer. “It’s a steel serrated blade—it’s not sharp—with a tip at the end that grabs the hairs one by one and cuts them,” explains Harris.
– To shape brows, which takes about 15 minutes the first time around, measure your bone structure and create a “map.”
– If your brows are sparse, fill them in with the Adda Brow. Place the planer against the skin and plane the top of the brows with gentle downward strokes just to the natural brow line, and then along the tail. Finish by using the Diffusing Powder to diffuse the entire brow to achieve subtle color.
– The planer, which is virtually pain-free, can also be used to remove hair on any part of the face.

Fight aging using bioelectricity:
No topical treatment has been able to create electrical currents from within the body to stave off aging. “The idea behind bioelectricity is that there is electricity in the body that allows the cells to communicate with each other,” says Mount Kisco, NY, dermatologist David Bank, MD. In fact, it’s been around since the late 19th century, and its applications have advanced tremendously. “Bioelectricity is applied throughout the medical industry for wound healing and even orthopedics and bone growth. Patches are applied, and electric currents run through them,” says Dr. Bank. With age, the currents that are naturally found in the body drop, and external application (microcurrent technology) claims to help speed up healing, repair damage, produce collagen and increase cell turnover. Noting the powerful anti-aging effects of bioelectricity and microcurrent technology, researchers at Johnson & Johnson expanded on the concept and melded them together in the first topical product.

– Coined as Cytomimic technology, Bank explains that the RoC Brilliance line is the first topical skin-care regimen that purportedly works with internal electrical currents.
– “Within the product are zinc molecules with copper particles. Once the particle hits water (a conductor of electricity), it produces a charge and sends a message to the cells,” he says.
– As messages are sent from cell to cell, the body is instructed to reverse aging by stimulating collagen production and reducing inflammation.
– The technology is said to mimic the natural electrical currents found in a young person’s body but doesn’t cause any electrical shock.
– “It’s really a novel formulation, and it’s a mechanical way—not chemical like how ingredients work through absorption—of addressing anti-aging,” says Bank.

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