Morena Baccarin on ‘Me Time,’ One-Step Skin Care and the Facial Oil She’s Developing

Morena Baccarin on ‘Me Time,’ One-Step Skin Care and the Facial Oil She’s Developing featured image
This article first appeared in the Spring 2022 issue of New Beauty. Click here to subscribe

A new baby, a new NBC series (she currently stars in The Endgame), a new movie and New York make up a day in the life for actress Morena Baccarin (she’s not quite ready to talk about it yet, but a new line of facial oils is also in the 42-year-old’s future). “Wellness for me is making an effort for ‘me time’—even if that’s five minutes.”

Back to Basics

“I’m almost a year postpartum, so my self-care routine is all about getting back to the ‘normal me.’ I’m trying to be really kind to myself, and I’m allowing myself the time to slowly get into a regular exercise routine and try to make better choices that are not just driven by exhaustion and food.”

Facial Exercises

“I love trying beauty products. I’m always very curious about them. When I do photo shoots or glam for an event, I’m always asking my makeup artist ‘What’s that?’ I’m into a few things at the moment: My facialist Joanna Czech has a new line that just came out and it is phenomenal. I’m very much into her cream, specifically. I love it because it’s a one-stop shop. I wash my face, I put that on, and I’m done.”

Couples Retreat

“Quiet time in my house is really valuable—it is treasured and it is rare. I’ve never appreciated it more than in this past year! I think the pandemic has compacted a preexisting problem with most moms, where you don’t have a lot of time for self-care and for yourself. My husband [Baccarin is married to actor Ben McKenzie] and I have worked hard to give each other that space—whether it’s to sit and do nothing but stare at the wall for 20 minutes, or if it’s a day where I get to go to a bookstore and browse the shelves, or even go and get my nails done and not feel guilty about it. Every single day I try to do something, even if it’s five minutes for myself.”

Swim Fan

“I love swimming laps. That’s my main go-to for exercise. I’ll go to the YMCA and swim whenever I can. Sometimes that takes a little more time than I have, so walking or running somewhere—as opposed to taking a quick Uber—is always a really good alternative if you don’t mind showing up sweaty or in leggings. I also love Pilates, and I do a combo of that and training with a personal trainer when I have time. Lately, it’s just been a very sporadic mix!”

Oil Pull

“I’m a big fan of one-step skin care. I’m actually developing a facial oil myself. It is one that is based on my needs, but I think a lot of people will be attracted to it because it’s easy, it’s efficient, it’s good for the environment and it’s going to create jobs in underdeveloped countries. It will all be hopefully coming out soon. I don’t know exactly when yet, but it’s a big interest of mine.”

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