
Mesotherapy Banned In Kansas

Mesotherapy Banned In Kansas featured image

Kansas has become the first state to take an official stand on mesotherapy, which purports to reduce fat through a mixture of enzymes and the drug phosphatidylcholine. The state’s current temporary ban on mesotherapy may become permanent in July. The ban still allows for injection of Lipodissolve only in a clinical research setting to test the safety of an investigational drug, or when a licensed physician or surgeon writes a prescription for the drugs and then compounds the injections (but only after a thorough health examination).

While phosphatidylcholine is FDA approved to break down fats in the blood that result in cardiac disease, it is not approved for injection or for any other purpose. It is, in fact, totally illegal in Brazil.

The state action is part of a broad initiative to distinguish between medical procedures and spa services, and is designed to protect the interest and safety of consumers in the under-regulated and rapidly growing industry.

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