This should be obvious, but dental hygiene is super important. However, in case you need a little reminder as to why you should be brushing your teeth and flossing every single day, here it is: One U.K.-based man didn’t brush his teeth for 20 years, and unsurprisingly, the results were pretty scary.
“Over the years, I’ve eaten the wrong foods, I’ve drunk lots of fizzy drinks, and I haven’t really brushed them, I haven’t flossed,” Jay, 21, said in an episode of Embarrassing Bodies in which he was featured.
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The result of two decades worth of neglect upon his teeth had left Jay with teeth in seriously bad condition. In fact, the narrator of the episode said Jay’s teeth were “caked in tarter, hardened food debris and bacteria that’s built up around 20 years of not brushing his teeth.”
According to New York cosmetic dentist, Nargiz Schmidt, MD, this kind of tooth decay occurs often if oral hygiene is neglected. “Poor or absent oral hygiene can cause plaque and calculus build up which leads to tooth decay, gum inflammation, periodontal disease and eventually loss of teeth,” she explains, adding that to avoid this happening to you, it’s essential to brush and floss after each meal.
Luckily, the show provided Jay with access to a dentist to fix his teeth, and after removing 11, unsalvageable teeth and replacing them with implants, Jay now has a megawatt smile. See his transformation in the video below:
Lesson of the day: Dental hygiene should never be ignored.