Many years ago, I received a gift certificate to my local spa and it included multiple services. One of those services was an add-on treatment for my pedicure, a paraffin spa treatment. After my feet had soaked and then went through the cleansing and exfoliation process, I noticed that the woman had removed a lid to a container which was filled with clear, hot liquid. She started to guide my foot to it and I yanked it back quickly. I admit, it was a reflex. I had no intention of letting my feet get burnt!
Startled, the woman looked up to better understand what the issue was. I guess that the look on my face was priceless! She smiled and then explained to me what the paraffin spa treatment was all about. Even after she communicated the benefits to me, I was quite skeptical that clear, warm wax would moisturize my skin and provide relief to my tired and aching muscles.
I trusted her to submerge each one of my feet into the warm wax and I was surprised at how soothing and how relaxing it was. My feet were wrapped with cloth and were elevated for a good ten minutes. When she pulled off the layers of wax, my feet felt like they had new life. As she massaged and moisturized my toes, working back to my heels, and then my ankles, I couldn’t believe the difference that the paraffin wax treatment had made, both with my skin and with my muscles. It was like I had received an inner-muscular massage treatment. I became a complete fan of paraffin wax and have since used it on my hands and elbows.
Unfortunately, I have tried several different brands and styles of equipment for at-home paraffin spa treatments and have been unable to find one that really meets my needs. My feet are long (size 10) and most brand don’t allow me to adequately submerge my feet inside the warm wax without making a huge mess. Some other issues I’ve run into: time to heat up and melt wax takes hours; clean-up is complicated and messy; and the types of wax available are not in line with what I’ve received from a professional spa. In seven years, I’ve owned four different models and with each one, I ended up donating them to charity.
The search continues…