Interactive LED Lashes Are Coming Soon and You Have to See What They Can Do

Oddly enough, in our high-tech modern world we haven’t had the need or the technology to light up the room with a set of light up false lashes—until now. Designer Tien Pham has the internet abuzz with his light-up LED fake lashes that won him the Editor’s Choice award earlier this month at the Maker Faire Bay Area.

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The state-of-the-art lashes debuted at the DIY-meets-science-meets-engineering expo and although they aren’t in production yet, the videos of Pham demonstrating the interactive features of the light-up wearable lashes have already gone viral. In the video, Pham demonstrates the prototype for his light-up F.lashes (as in flashes) in action and shows off their three different motion sensitive settings—interactive, dance (or jump) and sparkle mode.

Pham says there will be a Kickstarter campaign in mid-July to help fund the production of the illuminating lashes. They are applied the same way as a regular strip of false lashes (with lash glue), and as of now, the F.lashes Facebook page lists the soon to be available colors as pink, red, blue, light blue, white, yellow and green. Pham says he is working on other interactive features in addition to the three main settings. Now that the word has spread about these futuristic wearables, you can guarantee the Kickstarter campaign will sell out faster than you can bat your lackluster lashes. 

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