
A New Lash Procedure Gives You the Look of Tightlining and Mascara for 3 Years

A New Lash Procedure Gives You the Look of Tightlining and Mascara for 3 Years featured image
Photo Credits: Shutterstock | Model Used for Illustrative Purpose Only

Rose Marie Beauchemin, founder of Beau Institute in Mt. Laurel, NJ, is an expert in the field of permanent cosmetics. She’s been doing it for 25-plus years, and chances are, if you’re a certified permanent makeup artist in the U.S., you probably trained under her (she even helped develop the New Jersey State Regulations for the practice and training of permanent makeup). She’s a huge proponent of making sure it’s done right and—the bottom line—she knows her stuff.

While she’s the first to admit permanent makeup is “having a moment,” when it comes to the brows, for 2018, she’s all about lash tattooing.

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Different from lash tinting, which uses a dye that basically only tints the color of your lashes and fades over a couple of weeks, lash tattoos are semipermanent.

Essentially, Beauchemin’s technique “fills” in the tiny spaces between the lashes to create the illusion of thicker, darker and completely full lashes without looking lined or like obvious makeup (read: natural).

Image/Beau Institute 

“Anyone is a candidate. Younger women love this look because their focus is on big lashes and not a lot of eye makeup. Older women love this because they have difficulty seeing to draw on eyeliner. Women whose eyeliner smears or doesn’t stay on throughout the day, love it as well. It is also a great procedure for women who wear contacts or glasses or if they have allergies to makeup.”

If the thought of a tattoo needle getting anywhere near your eye sounds painful, she stresses that the discomfort is minimal.

“We pre-numb with a very effective topical anesthetic that has been developed for the eyes for 30 minutes and continue applying it throughout the procedure, if necessary. It has the same pH and does not burn the eyes.The residual discomfort is also minimal and any slight stinging immediately following procedure will dissipate in a very short time. The amount of downtime is also minimal because the line is small.”

Post-procedure protocol calls for washing with soap and water the following morning and refraining from sweating profusely, long, steamy showers and swimming and steam rooms for one week.

The cost is $550 and that includes one touchup visit, six to eight weeks after the initial procedure.

Image/Beau Institute 

“Fading depends on how much sun and active skin care products you use,” Beauchemin says. “However, the average is two to three years.”

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