In recent weeks, Khloé Kardashian has faced an intense amount of scrutiny over the images she posts and whether or not she uses filters to alter her face and body. The comments reached an all-time high over Easter weekend when an unretouched photo of the reality star in her bikini began to circulate, a photo that was posted to social media without her consent. While many fans complemented Khloé’s figure in the leaked snap, others used it to create a side-by-side comparison between the natural image and the sleek, altered photos the reality star typically posts.
To respond to the chatter, Khloé went live on Instagram to show her followers her toned body in real time. She also shared an emotional statement about how the constant analysis about her appearance over the years has affected her.
“Hey guys, this is me and my body unretouched and unfiltered,” she wrote. “The photo that was posted this week was beautiful. But as someone who has struggled with body image her whole life, when someone takes a photo of you that isn’t flattering in bad lighting or doesn’t capture your body the way it is after working too hard to get it to this point— and then shares it to the world —you should have every right to ask for it not to be shared— no matter who you are.”
In regard to the negative comments, Khloé wrote: “In truth, the pressure, constant ridicule and judgment my entire life to be perfect and to meet other’s standards of how I should look has been too much to bear.” She goes on to give examples of the harmful things that have been said about her throughout her years in the spotlight. “Khloé is the fat sister.’ ‘Khloé is the ugly sister.’ ‘Her dad must not be her real dad because she looks so different.’ ‘The only way she could have lost that weight must have been from surgery.'”
“You never quite get used to being judged and pulled apart and told how unattractive one is, but I will say if you hear anything enough then you will start to believe it,” she added. “This is how I have been conditioned to feel, that I am not beautiful enough just being me.”
Khloé went on to say that she views filters and photo editing like makeup and nails, just another way to enhance her appearance . “My body, my image and how I choose to look and what I want to share is my choice. It’s not for anyone to decide or judge what is acceptable anymore.”
Many fans rallied around the star to offer support and understanding, however others have commented that perhaps Khloé herself has helped perpetuate unattainable ideals. “This was raw and honest but I agree with those who say the nonstop procedures and constant filters are promoting unrealistic and harmful beauty standards,” wrote Katie Couric.
“When diet culture wins, *everyone* else loses. Even the people making money from promoting it,” shared actress and iweigh founder Jameela Jamil. In a follow-up post she continued, “This is extremely upsetting. This is the kind of hysteria that comes from 10+ years of being made fun of by the media and the world about your body. This is why I hate photo editing, because it makes you hate and fear your real face and body, and makes your fans hate theirs.”
If there is one good thing that has emerged from this scenario, it is the conversation it has sparked about body image and acceptance. However, we tend to agree with comedian Heather McMahan’s comments on the matter: “Khloe’s worst day is my best day…plus 40lbs. Do you sis, do you.”