
Fitness Star Kayla Itsines Reveals The ONE Mistake You Should Not Make If You’re Trying to Lose Weight


It’s safe to say 2016 was, among other trends, the year of the #BBG—the Bikini Body Guide, started a few years back by fitness guru turned social media star Kayla Itsines who women around the globe have turned to for an effective way to shed unwanted weight with a program that actually delivers results (if you haven’t checked out her Instagram feed filled with real before-and-after transformations from the Guide, you’re missing out). On a recent episode of Good Morning America, the star gave viewers some valuable tips on what they should be eating and what they should avoid, and reveals a tip she swears by that will seriously shock you for maximum health and weight loss. 

When speaking on her most recent venture, her newly released book-meets-guide that’s designed to pave your way to an overall healthier lifestyle (it’s filled with tips and healthy recipes), The Bikini Body 28-Day Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Guide, Itsines explains why she created it and her hope for those who read it. “Obviously I don’t want women to just stick to it for only 28 days, I want women to have this [habit] for life, but I think 28 days is a good way to develop a habit so I made it 28 days—something that’s super easy, something good to stick to.”

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Itsines shows viewers her “a day on a plate,” as she put it, explaining what our daily consumption should ideally look like on a day-to-day basis. Though the spread of food on the table in front of her looks extensive to say the least, the fitness star urges listeners and viewers that the proper caloric intake is crucial to keep your body and health in check. “You need it,” she says, adding that five meals and five different food groups are represented in her 28-day plan, which mirrors what we should be consuming on a regular basis. “I think what women do when they want to go on a diet is say they’re going to cut carbs. I think that’s the first thing women say,” Itsines says, explaining that’s precisely the reason behind her adding the carb-heavy quinoa, pasta and rice portions to her plan. “I didn’t want women cutting out any of the food groups.”

While the food looks delicious and the tips are worthy of jotting down, perhaps the most surprising revelation comes when Itsines shares that the last thing women should be doing when trying to lose weight is counting calories or stepping on a scale (her program focuses heavily on documenting your progress through photos and measurements, instead). “I don’t want women to focus on that,” she says of counting calories and constantly weighing ourselves. “I think it develops unhealthy mindset once you focus on a weight on a scale or a certain amount of numbers. I want [women] to be healthy, I want them to be fit and I want them to be strong—I want them to eat foods like this and not look down on a scale and say ‘that’s what I’m worth.’” Inspired? We are, too—you can watch the entire video for yourself below.

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