As the seventh season of highly acclaimed The Good Wife debuts, the 49-year-old star, Julianna Margulies, dishes on the skin-care products she buys all her friends, her go-to “glow” foods and the one thing she’s done every day since she was 19.
Detox Do
“Sweating detoxifies your skin. I try to work out four times a week to get a good sweat going.”
Moderation Mantra
“I don’t do a lot of sugar and alcohol, but I do have some. A little bit of everything, once in a while, is OK. It helps take the edge off, but you have to know when to have it and how much to have. One thing I do feel strongly about is portion control—I think it’s one of the biggest problems we have in this country.”
Zen Zone
“I actually get relaxed when I work out. I get into a zone when I sweat. My body feels fluid and relaxed.”
Water Tip
“When I drink hot water with lemon, my skin looks better.”
Food Fix
“Foods like salmon, avocado and olive oil are what I call ‘glow foods.’ They are so good for your skin. And I always have some almonds in my bag.”
Hair Helper
“The frizz factor of my hair has plagued me my entire life. And, it changed so dramatically after I had my baby—all of a sudden, it was limp and straight, then it went back to frizzy and curly. Most of the time, I wear it back. It’s just easier when it’s out of my face. Besides that, I use John Frieda Frizz-Ease. Lots and lots of Frizz-Ease.”
Trick of the Trade
“I really try to watch what the experts do, especially at photo shoots. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that less is more and not to do too much—especially when it comes to foundation. I try not to wear any unless I am at work.”
Body Obsession
“I’m obsessed with having soft skin. It makes me feel good in my clothes, good in my body and happy when someone touches me. There’s a body scrub by Jo Malone, and the first person who ever gave me a tub of it was [costar] Christine Baranski. I am addicted to it. I cannot take a shower without it. I put it on before I get under the water almost daily. It really does a beautiful job and it makes you smell like a cookie.”
Anti-Aging Advice
“I know it sounds mundane, but I’m all about telling people to stay out of the sun! You have to wear SPF whether it is hot or cold, summer or winter. Pat Wexler has a moisturizer with SPF in it that I wear so I don’t have to worry. I give it as gifts!”
Look-Younger Secret
“Genes! My mom and dad gave me great skin.”
Beauty Philosophy
“Beauty comes from within.”
For the full story, pick up the Fall issue of NewBeauty, on stands October 6.