
Jillian Michaels Warns Against Following This Trendy Diet

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Photo Credits: Matthew Eisman / Contributor/ Getty Images

Fad diets are as hot as ever right now, but according to Jillian Michaels, they should be a thing of the past. When guest starring on People TV, the celebrity trainer slammed trendy diets like keto.

“Yes, keto is a diet fad,” Michaels said on the show. “The reason that keto has been getting so much attention is because it helps significantly to manage your insulin levels. Very high insulin, very bad thing.” Celebrity followers like Kourtney Kardashian and Halle Berry (who is diabetic) swear by this high-fat, low-carb diet. 

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She continues to say that while people with already high-insulin levels—think those with type 2 diabetes or polycystic ovary syndrome—may find it helpful, in general, it is not a healthy option for most people.

Michaels further explains that she’s against it because it could influence people into thinking they can eat as much food as they want. However, she believes that calorie management and restriction results in less oxidative stress, saying that “it’s far better for aging and being healthier.”

Michaels says the overall key to maintaining and losing weight is to keep a balanced diet. “Do not go keto. Just work out, eat clean and don’t overeat.”

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