Jennifer Lopez’s Trainer Believes This One Food Is Literally “Poison” for Your Body

Jennifer Lopez’s Trainer Believes This One Food Is Literally “Poison” for Your Body featured image

At 47 years old, Jennifer Lopez is somewhat of a medical mystery. Her skin is completely wrinkle-free, her body resembles that of a 20-year-old, and if the high-intensity choreography she performs at her concerts is any indiction, she also has quite the high level of fitness. Knowing all of this, it’s an understatement to say that we’re beyond interested in any bit of intel we can get our hands on regarding her secrets to staying so youthful, healthy and fit.

This brings us to the latest bit of J.Lo news to hit our ears this week, courtesy of none other than celerity trainer, David Kirsch. Kirsch frequently works with Lopez to keep her physique in tip-top shape (along with other celebrities like Heidi Klum and Kate Upton). Recently, in an interview with The Coveteur, Kirsch revealed a few key tips he swears by when advising his clients on how to improve their well-being.

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Kirsch’s first big reveal? The one thing he wants his clients to stop eating forever: “Processed sugar—there’s nothing good about it. It’s a huge, huge industry and it’s poison,” he says in the interview. “They have done clinical studies on what it does to your brain and it’s highly addictive—terrible.”

But that’s not all, Kirsch also exposed the one workout he considers the best, and luckily, it’s something you can do in the comfort of your own home. “Do a set of push-ups and then hold a plank, and then repeat it, so you’re working your entire body.”

Overall, Kirsch simply believes in living a healthier, wholesome lifestyle, and refusing to quantify your fitness achievements with numbers. “For me, it’s how do you feel inside your body? How do you feel in your clothes? It also changes as we get older. What applies when we’re younger maybe doesn’t so much when we get a little bit older.”

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