Is Protein the Secret to Weight Loss?

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Consuming a diet high in protein is no groundbreaking concept. Popular diets like the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet have long been touting the pound-dropping benefits of following a program packed with protein. In a recent study published the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, researchers found 43 percent of women eat more protein to prevent weight gain and successfully lost weight as a result. 

So what is it about a high-protein diet that benefits our waistline? “Over carbohydrates, proteins are digested more slowly and hence may help to curb appetite over a longer period of time,” explains celebrity nutritionist Paula Simpson. If you’re trying to manage your weight, Simpson suggests adding some form of protein in each of your meals throughout the day. “Choosing more plant based proteins (such as hemp or pea protein,) portion controlled nuts/seeds or nut butters, eggs and leaner sources of animal proteins such as fish or chicken are preferred,” says Simpson.

If you are a following a high-protein diet, make sure to stay hydrated since protein metabolites are excreted via kidneys when broken down. Also, Simpson points out that getting too much of one thing over a long period of time can increase deficiencies in other vital nutrients. High-protein diets tend to lack B vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, so try to keep your body as well balanced as possible.

Not exactly sure the best way to incorporate protein into your diet? Read these five protein pointers to feel your best

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