
Is it Safe to Spray Tan While You’re Pregnant?

Is it Safe to Spray Tan While You’re Pregnant? featured image
Photo Credits: Thinkstock

Being pregnant is an experience that’s filled with many ups and a couple of downs too. Among those “downs” is the dreaded list of things recommended to give up like sushi, hair dye, caffeine and more. But should spray tans be one of them? 

Right now, there’s not enough information out there about spray tanning during pregnancy. That said, it’s generally believed to be okay as long as you’re not in a spray-tan booth where you can inhale it, says Los Angeles OB-GYN, Daphne R. Hayes, MD.

Since experts are still on the fence about whether it’s safe or not, it’s best to take extra precautions. “Anyone pregnant should always consult their physician before spray tanning,” says Stacie Norvell, vice president of brand development for Norvell, maker of sunless spray-tanning equipment. “If a pregnant woman were to spray tan, we always recommend nose filters, bikini bottoms, eye shields and lip balm.”

For those who’d rather not risk it with a spray tan, but still want tan skin, St. Tropez’s brand new Self Tan Sensitive Bronzing Mousse ($42) is a great alternative because it was actually designed with pregnant women in mind. “It’s specifically designed for women with skin that is more sensitive due to hormonal changes,” says St. Tropez skin finishing expert, Fiona Locke. “This mousse is hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested, and is absolutely ideal for at-home use for moms-to-be.”


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