
The PMS-Reducer That Rescued Me From My Period in Just One Month

The PMS-Reducer That Rescued Me From My Period in Just One Month featured image

As someone with a terrible period—we’re talking longer-than-usual cycles that never occur on a schedule, heavy cramps and awful mood swings—anything that claims to reduce PMS even a tiny bit gets my attention. So when one of my favorite supplement brands (seriously, their bottles line my desk) let me know about Moody Bird ($25), a twice-a-day capsule that works to reduce these symptoms, I just about jumped for joy and obviously gave them a try.

Here’s some background on these miracle pills: What the brand calls “your monthly ally vs. PMS,” these supplements use a cocktail of dong quai root and chaste berry to help alleviate dreaded once-a-month symptoms while balancing hormone levels. Traditionally, chaste berry has been used to alleviate severe menstrual issues like PMDD and fertility issues while dong quai is revered as one of the most popular plants in Chinese medicine, often used to treat the signs and symptoms associated with PMS and menopause. It also balances estrogen levels (which may also relieve cramps and irritability).

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I began taking the supplements on the first of the month, as my period usually comes around the second week (but again, it bows to no master). Per the instructions, I took one capsule twice a day with food—usually breakfast and dinner—and patiently waited to see results. As the days passed, I didn’t feel any different than usual before my period arrived, but I did notice a huge difference once it began—I wasn’t the least bit irritable, my cramps were severely lessened, I wasn’t starving the entire time and my skin didn’t freak out as much as it usually does. My cycle lasted for its usual week or so, but was somewhat lighter than the previous months—all changes that I’ve never experienced before.

While the brand suggests taking it for a few months to fully see results, I already can. And with results like 92 percent of patients reporting significantly reduced PMS over the course of 12 weeks, you better believe I’m buying another bottle. PS: If it can work for me, you better believe it can work for you. 

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