
Ginkgo Biloba’s Beauty Benefits

Ginkgo Biloba’s Beauty Benefits featured image

In the past decade, extracts from the ginkgo biloba tree have become popular when used as a dietary supplement to help treat memory loss and depression. But did you know it may also help your skin?

When skin is subjected to excessive inflammation through injury or poor diet, it may have a harder time recovering from acne and wounds, and may generally have an unhealthy look and overall loss of its youthful glow. Ginkgo biloba contains quercetin, a natural flavonoid and antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, according to Skin & Allergy News.

In one study, ginkgo biloba extract in 40 mg doses, three times a day greatly decrease the development of vitiligo (the loss of pigmentation in the skin) and actually repigmentated the skin in some of the study subjects.

Ginkgo biloba has also been found to improve the skin’s protection from UVB rays and improve the production of collagen, which helps to keep the skin firm and youthful.

The extract was found to be effective in both oral and topical formulas, so don’t be surprised if you start seeing ginkgo biloba listed as an ingredient in more and more beauty treatments. A month’s supply of the dietary supplement, which comes in 60 mg or 120 mg capsules, costs less than $10.

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