Ask an Expert: When Should a Facelift and Necklift Be Combined?

Ask an Expert: When Should a Facelift and Necklift Be Combined? featured image

Facelifts and necklifts both restore definition to the face, resulting in a more youthful-looking appearance. But, will you see noticeably better results if both procedures are performed together?

According to West Palm Beach, FL, facial plastic surgeon Michael Schwartz, MD, sometimes patients are bothered by one area on their face or neck and just want that area addressed; however, there’s a chance that once that original concern has been corrected, other areas could look unbalanced and unnatural. “If there is both sagging and excess facial and neck skin, facelifts and necklifts should be combined so there is a smooth and complete rejuvenation to the entire face,” he says.

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New York facial plastic surgeon Dilip D. Madnani, MD, performs a lot of secondary facelifts (or “touch-ups”) on patients who had facelifts eight to 10 years ago; their biggest complaint is that their neck has fallen. “I’m usually performing a revision facelift and a necklift,” says Dr. Madnani. But, he points out that patients who originally had a face and necklift done together usually don’t need a revision necklift—which means only minor maintenance will be needed in the future.

As with any cosmetic procedure, the decision to undergo surgery (or get any treatment) is a highly personal one. “Facial rejuvenation procedures can be customized to each patient based on their concerns,” says Oxnard, CA, plastic surgeon Yuly Gorodisky, MD. Talk to your board-certified surgeon to find the best treatment plan for you.

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