Woman Wears Face Mask on Work Commute, Doesn’t Care What Others Think

Woman Wears Face Mask on Work Commute, Doesn’t Care What Others Think featured image

Whether your commute to work is an hour on the subway or a quick five-minute stroll down the street, if you start to add up the time it takes to get from point A to B, it equates to a solid chunk of the day where you could be doing something much more enjoyable—like using your beauty products.

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One woman in China decided to do just that—and she’s been pretty diligent about it (she’s been seen more than once sporting a pretty bold black sheet mask). As reported on by New York magazine’s The Cut, Joey, as she has been identified, is prepping for her upcoming wedding, and “has been tasked with working more hours at her job and therefore has less time to perform her nourishing face upkeep at home.”


In a video shot by onlookers, a fellow traveler is seen asking her “It’s absolutely terrifying. Tomb sweeping festival has just gone, why are you applying the face mask here? It’s too terrifying. What is going on?” before taking off. While the reaction from her fellow passenger is pretty classic, the beauty girl inside us who is shy even about using a face mask on the airplane, silently applauds Joey. 

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