
The Fast-Acting Serum That Completely Transforms Thinning Hair

The Fast-Acting Serum That Completely Transforms Thinning Hair featured image
Photo Credits: felixhug/ Getty Images | Model Used for Illustrative Purpose Only

Maybe it started with a shrinking ponytail, or a widening part, or even just a frequently hair-clogged bathtub drain, but nonetheless, what started off as innocent shedding has now turned into full on, visibly noticeable hair loss. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Women make up 40 percent of hair loss sufferers, sadly treating it in silence because society has labeled it only a “man’s issue.” But for women who have tried every drug, in-office procedure and supplement to help stunt their hair loss, they know how disheartening it can be to dedicate all their time and effort to a hair growth treatment that ultimately fails them.  

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Luckily, there are quite a few options out on the market to help regrow those precious strands, but not everything actually works. One of the latest options to actually serve up some seriously promising results is a hair care brand called Évolis, and the science behind it is fascinating.

Here’s how it works: Évolis was formulated by hair biologists to target the hair life cycle and control the level of FGF5 in the hair. For those unfamiliar with FGF5, it’s a protein found at the root of the hair that signals your hair to stop growing. So, by controlling the level of FGF5 at the root, users can manage the level of shedding and extend the growth phase of each hair follicle so thicker, longer hair can grow in.


While all this science makes sense in theory, it’s still important to have proof of efficacy, which is where Évolis’ peer reviewed clinical study comes in. According to the research, the competence of Évolis’ hero product, the Évolis Reverse Activator ($65), was examined over a 112-day period. Participants used the activator—it’s infused with plant extracts like sanguisorba officinalis and rosa multiflora to help accelerate hair growth and minimize FGF5—before undergoing a series of examinations to test their rate of hair loss. After analysis, researchers found that the activator showed statistically significant improvements in reducing hair loss. In fact, participants experienced a whopping 80 percent less hair loss, to be exact.


In addition to the activator, Evolis also has a shampoo, conditioner and a treatment mask included in the line, all containing the strand-boosting plant extracts. While using a full line of good-for-your-scalp hair products will certainly help reduce a receding hairline, it’s also important to speak to a doctor first to rule out any underlying health issues that could be to blame. If health problems aren’t the issue, rest easy. There are solutions for your thinning hair and Évolis is certainly a good place to start.

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