Eva Longoria Shares Video of Painful Treatment That Makes Her Look “20 Years Younger”

Eva Longoria Shares Video of Painful Treatment That Makes Her Look “20 Years Younger” featured image

Eva Longoria: Actress, producer, director, beauty brand ambassador…live vlogger for painful beauty treatments.

As posted on social media this afternoon, Longoria is currently in Dubai, and chronicling her travels along the way. First, she starts with getting what appears to be a relaxing facial, which she says is prep for this evening’s gala and “will make her look 20 years younger.”

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Then, the videos take a turn, as Longoria shares what can only be described as a very painful, detailed video of getting her face threaded. As she says—between a whole bunch of owwws!—it was her first time getting the treatment and during it, “she didn’t like it at all.” 

The series of videos does end on a less painful, more positive note as Longoria admits her skin does feel soft now and, from what she’s heard, facial threading “apparently makes your makeup go on much smoother.”

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