
Wearing This Lipstick Supposedly Leads to a Marriage Proposal

Wearing This Lipstick Supposedly Leads to a Marriage Proposal featured image

The engagement chicken has been a longstanding American myth for those believers who are waiting for their significant other to put a ring on it. Apparently it’s not just chicken that’ll win you an engagement, but also a lipstickEstée Lauder Pure Color Crystal Lipstick in Crystal Pink Cream ($28).

Emily Popp wrote on Hello Giggles about how her brother and his girlfriend gave the lipstick to her as a gift for Christmas. He had prefaced it with, “You’re going to like it, but it’s also kind of offensive.” That’s when her brother and his girlfriend explained a common belief in Japan is that if you wear this lipstick, you will get married within the year.

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Image/Estée Lauder

It sounded strange, so she did some digging of her own. Visiting the brand’s Japanese page and translating it to English, she confirmed the existence of this lore. She reported one comment that read, “I’m around 40 and am hoping to get married. I’ve had to invest a lot in clothes and makeup. I read that this lipstick had the highest success rate of people getting married. Of course I bought it. So now I’ve been on six dates with a guy I met at a party who is 17 years younger than I am.  I wonder how things will turn out with him. Hopefully I’ll have something good to report. Thank you for this great product.”

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The only proof that this actually even works is the testimonies from women. However, if you have been waiting patiently for your partner to drop the question, wearing the marriage lipstick can’t hurt. It is a nice shade of pink.  

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