
Ellie Goulding Dishes on Her Biggest Makeup Mistake and the Products She Can’t Live Without

Ellie Goulding Dishes on Her Biggest Makeup Mistake and the Products She Can’t Live Without featured image
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British singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding, 30, took the music industry by storm in 2010 with her first single Lights, which topped the charts. Since then, she’s become a pop megastar—selling out concerts around the world—as well as a fashion and beauty icon. Fans can’t seem to get enough of her angelic vocals, platinum locks, plump lips and tomboy style, and neither can we. Here’s what the songstress had to say about all things beauty and wellness when we caught up with her between shows.

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NewBeauty: Since turning 30 last year, have you become more interested in anti-aging or overall wellness than you were before?
Ellie Goulding: 
I feel like I’ve tried to take care of myself for a number of years, so it’s not an age-specific thing.

NB: What beauty skill have you mastered in the last year?
This isn’t a beauty skill as such, but I have gotten a lot better at removing my makeup

NB: What are your can’t-live-without beauty products?
I use Pantene shampoo. I love Tom Ford foundation, Kevyn Aucoin concealer, Charlotte Tilbury eyebrow pencil and MAC powder and lashes. I also love Rodial Bee Venom Moisturiser—that and mascara and you’re good to go.

NB: How did your collaboration with CORE Hydration come to be and what do you love about the product?
My friend is a huge water geek. She’s one of those people who are really particular about the taste of water, and when I was on tour in America, she suggested I try CORE. To be honest, I think it tastes superior to any other water. It feels very clean, and it is easy to drink. I like to be hydrated, as I work out a lot. I’ve been drinking it ever since, and now it’s always on my rider [tour bus]! 


NB: You recently spoke out about your run-in with anxiety and the role fitness has played in your life. How do boxing and a committed workout routine keep you strong?
I am fortunate that anxiety is not a constant in my life. It happened once last year when I had taken too many flights, done loads of gigs and promos and probably not looked after myself. I do think that working out helps prevent anxiety. For me, working out helps me feel strong in all areas of my life.

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NB: In addition to fitness, do you diet as well to maintain your super toned physique? 
EG: I am vegan and try to eat as healthy as possible when I can. It does happen that fries are the only option for dinner in some restaurants in some countries. But, yes, I certainly try to eat well as often as possible, and I always drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Balance is extremely important to me—it’s another reason why I’m a fan of CORE due to its PH balance. 


NB: What is something your fans would be surprised to learn about you? 

EG: Well, not too many people know that I also love classical music!

NB: What is the worst beauty mistake you’ve ever made?
I used to wear way too much black eyeliner as a teen and looked a bit goth!

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NB: If you could trade places with any other celebrity, who would it be?
EG: Actually no one! I am so happy with my life and feel so lucky!

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