
Desensitize Your Sensitive Skin

Desensitize Your Sensitive Skin featured image

Sometimes it feels like your skin is as emotional and dramatic as a teenage daughter trying to borrow the car on a Friday night. You change one little thing in your skin care routine-add or delete an ingredient in the mix- and your skin thinks it’s cool to just completely throw a tantrum.

Sensitive skin can be extremely temperamental, so you should always try to avoid synthetic and artificial ingredients. However, if you do make a boo boo and you wake up with roaring red, irritated skin, try one of these natural desensitizing remedies, which can work wonders on skin since they are free from abrasive ingredients.

One of nature’s most effective anti-bacterial agents, it is rich in amino acids, vitamins and bioflavonoids to reduce inflammation.

Shea Butter
An African healing remedy, shea butter can be found in balms and creams that help dry skin.

Bisabol oil
Extracted from chamomile, this anti-irritant soothes stressed, inflamed and irritated skin.

Neroli Oil
Gentle oil that boosts antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

Related Links:
Why Is Your Skin So Sensitive?
Powder with Redness-Reducing Power

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