
Reddit Users Are Obsessed With This Skin Treatment—The Pictures Speak for Themselves

Reddit Users Are Obsessed With This Skin Treatment—The Pictures Speak for Themselves featured image

Redditors in the SkincareAddiction forum are skin care savvy to say the least. They know what works and what doesn’t, and oftentimes, they’re ahead of the trends. A big topic of conversation among the users is acne and the products that work to get rid of it—brave users post pictures of their blemish-filled faces and test tons of products until they find the right one to clear them up. One product in particular, Curology, is really gaining traction, and the before-and-after images say it all. See for yourself below.

[B&A] A year on Curology from SkincareAddiction

[B&A] Success with Curology! from SkincareAddiction

[B&A] 2 Months of Curology! from SkincareAddiction

[B&A] From angry to balanced. I finally found something that works. Two months on Curology. from SkincareAddiction

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Curology, a subscription-based company, involves doing a visual diagnosis with your phone (you upload photos of your skin and fill out a questionnaire) in order to get acne treatments and prescriptions to zap away your spots. For about $20 a month, you get access to a heathcare provider (a dermatologist, aesthetician or skin care specialist) who assesses your concerns and needs and prescribes a treatment plan. You can track your improvement over time in the app and switch up your medications along the way if necessary. 

The treatments consist of acne-fighting ingredients like azelaic acid, tretinoin, clindamycin and niacinamide in different concentrations that are customized for you. Reddit users typically post their entire skin care routine along with their images, which makes it easy for people with similar concerns to test out the same regimen and see if it works for them as well. Some people saw incredible results after just two months and others needed more time, but either way, this might be your answer to blasting blemishes if other methods aren’t doing the trick.

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