When most women try to make a good first impression or get ready for a first date, they are usually most concerned with their hair, makeup and the way their body looks in their outfit. But according to a new study by online dating website Match.com, a trip to the dentist might be the most beneficial preparation.
That’s because the study titled “Singles in America” found that both men and women judge each other most on their teeth. Teeth topped the lists for each sex, placing before other charicteristics like grammar, clothes and hair (which placed third for both sexes).
If you think your smile is falling flat, there are several options to make it over. Whether you’re dealing with gaps, crooked teeth or stains, your cosmetic dentist can help you get a smile sure to please your date. Flip through our favorite Hollywood smiles to learn more about what these procedures entail.
Remember, the next time you’re shopping for a new outfit to impress, you might want to change plans and give your dentist a visit instead.