Claire Danes isn’t just a celebrity. As an actress, and a recently Emmy-nominated one at that, she’s proven her ability to go to great lengths and show a darker side. And as the new, younger face of Latisse, her eyelashes have done the same.
We spoke to the 31-year-old newlywed (she married British actor Hugh Dancy last year) about her lash transformation, which she says came in stages: “They grew longer first, and then they became fuller, and then they became darker.”
She started noticing a difference about four weeks into using Latisse, with the full effect apparent after four months. But it was when she saw her own before and after photos, shown here, that she understood the extent of the difference.
“I was definitely aware of the growth, but I had a much greater appreciation of just how dramatic the change was by looking at the before and after photos,” Claire says. “I was quite stunned!”
She isn’t the only one who noticed. Family and friends, especially those she hadn’t seen in a while, couldn’t help but comment on how lush her lashes looked.
“I ran into one girl on the street while I was jogging in New York,” Claire recalls. “She asked me if I was wearing false lashes, which I thought was very funny because I don’t typically wear false lashes when I go for my morning run.”
Claire is a big fan of Elizabeth Arden mascara, but she’s been applying a lot less of it since she started using Latisse. However, she didn’t begin the nightly regimen until she did her research about the efficacy and safety of the bimatoprost-based formula.
“I, like a lot of people, had some questions and concerns. I did a bit of homework, I talked to my doctor, and I looked at the website,, which is a great resource,” she says. “I took great comfort in the fact that it’s the only FDA-approved product of its kind.”
Look for Claire and her longer, thicker, darker lashes at the 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards on Sunday, August 29.
Have you been using Latisse? Tell us about your own experience by leaving a comment below.