When you’ve got supermodel Chrissy Teigen for a mom, you’re destined to be one of the most adorable babies of 2016. But despite her round cheeks that you just want to pinch, and big brown eyes, 7-month-old Luna Legend has developed eczema on her cheeks, giving way to a constant flush.
No need to get all alarmed here. According to the National Eczema Association, eczema affects about 10 percent of infants.
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While Teigen’s fans and followers weighed in as to what she should do to treat little Luna’s cheeks, which ranged from using Aquaphor to soaking a cotton ball in breast milk and dabbing it on her cheeks, this is what the doctors had to say on how to treat the condition:
“I recommend avoiding hot baths and using gentle cleansers such as Cerave,” says San Francisco dermatologist Vic Narurkar, MD. “I also recommend moisturizers with ceramides.” He does say to be on the look out for excessive itching and honey colored scabs, which can signal an infection.
Norwalk, CT, dermatologist Deanne M. Robinson, MD, explains that eczema skin is extremely sensitive, especially to colors and scents. “You want to avoid colors and scents in all personal care products including laundry detergent and ditch fabric softeners,” she says. “In babies and toddlers, eczema can be in a different distribution than in adults and can be worse on areas, such as the cheeks that are frequently rubbed or exposed to irritating substances like saliva. Applying a protective coat of an emollient, like Aquaphor ($12), can help reduce irritation and friction. The key to skin care in babies and toddlers with eczema is moisturizing. Directly after bathing, applying a generous amount of a ceramide-based emollient will help keep the skin hydrated and moist. Another tip I tell parents is to apply moisturizer to dry or active areas with each diaper change.”