Can Beauty Products Suddenly Stop Working?

Can Beauty Products Suddenly Stop Working? featured image

We’ve all been there – our favorite skin-care products that we’ve been using for months seem to suddenly stop working. Is it time to toss them out? And should we switch up our beauty routine entirely?

Not necessarily.

“It’s a common assumption that skin-care products stop working over time,” explains New York dermatologist Dendy Engelman, MD. “What happens most often is that the results noticed upon initial application aren’t as dramatic with continuous usage.” So it’s not that the product isn’t working, but rather that it’s working so well in the long-run that it gets harder to see visible results. The lightening of dark spots may be less noticeable after a few months of using the same serum, and skin can even get used to the effects of retinols. “This doesn’t mean that the treatment is no longer working, but the results may not be as appreciable,” adds Dr. Engelman.

So, how often should we change up our products?

“If you feel your results have reached a plateau, or in order to make results seem more appreciable, product changes are reasonable once every three to four months,” says Dr. Engelman. “However, if you love a product, stick with it. Don’t change just for the sake of changing.”

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