We’ve seen a bevy of young actresses in Hollywood opting for cosmetic enhancements, and while some benefit greatly from the procedures, others seem to go overboard-getting too much done too soon. So when it comes to preventing the signs of aging in your 20s and 30s, how much should (or can) really be done?
First, it’s important to discern where the desire for facial changes comes from, says Boca Raton, FL, facial plastic surgeon Jacob Steiger, MD. “When younger patients ask for filler, injectables or fat, and they have yet to experience the signs of aging, they are looking for more of an enhancement than a corrective or preventative measure,” says the doctor.
In your 20s and 30s, the face still has an ample amount of natural fullness to it and may start to become more heart-shaped. At this point, there really should be no reason to consider a facelift or “Liquid Lift” since the underlying structures have yet to be affected by the aging process.
This is where the idea of prevention versus correction comes in. Cosmetic enhancement can do both: prevent or correct the signs of aging. “At a younger age, surgery can improve something that bothers you,” says La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD. “But, if it’s not done correctly, it can make you look older or overdone. Surgery should only be done when you’re ready and when it is age-appropriate.”
We all want to look our best and while cosmetic enhancement is a proven way to fine-tune your appearance, overdoing it-be it with fillers, procedures or a combination of both-can actually cause your face to look drastically different, and that doesn’t always mean it’s going to look good. “A little intervention with fillers and injectables is good for making improvement, but a lot is not always better,” says New York plastic surgeon Haideh Hirmand, MD.
Take Rose McGowan (pictured at left), “Plastic surgery may be changing her appearance, but not necessarily for the better,” says Troy, MI, plastic surgeon Anthony Youn, MD, who has not treated the star. “Her face was soft and youthful; now it looks more chiseled and older,” he continues. And too much fat and filler too soon may be the cause.
If you are in your 20s and 30s and looking to prevent the signs of aging, Botox, Dysport and Xeomin* can limit muscle contraction to minimize wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid injectables produce collagen (for smoother, plumper skin) since fibroblasts are stimulated via the mode of injections.
To correct the signs of aging, loose skin can only be treated by surgically removing it. Under-eye bags and puffiness can permanently be alleviated and volume can be restored with fillers and fat.
How Your Reflection Changes With Age
Ask an Expert: Fat Injections Vs. Fillers