
Are You Hoarding Skin-Care Products?

Are You Hoarding Skin-Care Products? featured image

If you take a look in my bathroom cabinet, you’ll find what I believe most women to have-a graveyard of half-used lotions, shampoo bottles and eye creams. Yup, many a skincare products have gone to die under my sink.

A new study released by Vaseline, has confirmed my skin-care graveyard suspicions. On average, they found that women are wasting 75 percent of the skin-care products they have purchased. Of the women surveyed, each typically owns eight different skincare products at a time, but only uses two regularly.

Also, one in seven women report holding on to expired products for more than three years. Sounds like a Hoarders episode waiting to happen.

As in most cases in life, the biggest mistake makers are the youth (aged 18 to 34), who buy the most products and hold on to ones they don’t use the longest. Out of this age group, one in five admit to having as many as 20 products at a time.

So where do you fall? Are you a skin-care product hoarder?

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