An Uncommon, Organic Cleansing Balm

An Uncommon, Organic Cleansing Balm featured image

If you’re the type of person who loves to make a ritual out of her beauty routine, we’ve got just the thing to enhance your cleansing ceremony.

Carrot Butter Cleanser, by The Organic Pharmacy, is unusual in almost every way. Its ingredients-including sunflower, jojoba, shea butter, wheat germ, olive oil, chamomile and, of course, carrot-are 99.9% organic, the only exception being its vitamin E (which is approved by the UK’s Soil Association, nonetheless, because of its organic source).

But even more unique is its texture and application. The cleanser is presented in balm form, intended to be massaged into dry skin (so resist that habitual urge to splash your face first). You leave it on for about a minute so it can start dissolving dirt and makeup while depositing botanical benefits, and then wipe it-and grime-away with a warm, wet muslin cloth.

It may take some getting used to, but we know you’ll come to love the process, not to mention the outrageously soft and glowing complexion it yields.

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