Actress Joelle Carter Shares Her Secrets for Staying in Shape

Actress Joelle Carter Shares Her Secrets for Staying in Shape featured image
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While juggling duties as a wife, mom and star of the FX Series “Justified,” Joelle Carter always manages to squeeze in about five to seven hours a week for working out. She says, “I want to stay in fighting shape so I can have the energy to keep up with my daughter, career, etc.” Joelle recently took time to share her fitness and diet secrets with NewBeauty.

While filming “Justified,” Joelle mixes up her routine to include two days of yoga and three days of Pop Physique, a ballet barre-infused workout. “I love Pop Physique! I think of it as a strengthening class. We use mild weights and lots of (ballet) barre exercises for more core bodybuilding, which is one of my goals.”

Joelle acknowledges that her fitness goals have definitely changed over the years. “At first, my main focus of working out was for sport and to keep in shape.  Now my goal is to stay trim, focused and also to be healthy. Over the years, my body has really needed to work out more and I feel more grounded when I’m exercising and in shape.”

For Joelle, eating healthy is as important as exercise. “I work hard to eat healthy, eating lean protein and lots of fruits and veggies. I keep dark chocolate too, which helps with the sweet cravings.” To avoid temptation Joelle sticks to her motto, “If you don’t want to eat it, don’t buy it.”

“I always keep trail mix at hand, made up mostly of nuts and dried fruit. Every once in a while, I may throw in a few M&Ms of course!”

To anyone starting a fitness routine, Joelle suggests keeping it fun and inspiring. She also says, “Write down your goals and hang them on the bathroom mirror or refrigerator to help remind you why you’re starting an exercise routine in the first place.”

“A massage is wonderful because it helps release the lactic acid increase that occurs when I exercise and also stretches out my muscles.”

Look for Joelle in the season four premiere of “Justified,” airing tonight, January 8, on FX. She can also be seen in the upcoming Lionsgate feature film “Jessabelle.”

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